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Broadly speaking, I am interested in how people perceive others and themselves in different natural and social environments. I also strongly support Open Science.
Dehumanization & Objectification
Moral behavior
Tight & Loose culture
Prejudice of Gay individuals
Publications: Text
Shi, J., Wang, X, Teng, F., & Chen, Z. (2022). Little Appreciation Goes a Long Way: Gratitude Reduces Objectification. The Journal of Positive Psychology. Journal of Positive Psychology, advanced online.
Teng, F., Shi, J., Wang, X.,* & Chen, Z. (2022). The Association between COVID-19-Related Wellbeing with Materialism and Perceived Threat. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(2), 912. (co-first author)
Kovacs, M., Protzko, J., … Shi, J., & Aczel, B (2022). Moral thinking across the world: Exploring the influence of personal force and intention in moral dilemma judgments. Nature Human Behavior, (Accepted)
Shi, J., Chen, Z., Wang, X., Teng, F., Yang, Y., & Chen, H. (2021). Dominate others, hurt self: Social dominance orientation predicts depression during the COVID-19 pandemic. Personality and Individual Differences, 110710.
Lv, Y., Shi, J., Yu, F., & Zhang, C. (2021). The effect of awe on natural risk-taking preferences: The role of need for closure. Current Psychology,
Teng, F., Wang, X.,* Shi, J., Chen, Z., Huang, Q., & Cheng, W. (2021). Psychosomatic symptoms and neuroticism following CoViD-19: the role of online aggression toward a stigmatized group. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public
Health, 18(16), 8672
Dang, J., Barker, P., Baumert, A., Bentvelzen, M., Berkman, E., Buchholz, N., Buczny, J., Chen, Z., De Cristofaro, V., de Vries, L., Dewitte, S., Giacomantonio, M., Gong, R., Homan, M., Imhoff, R., Ismail, I., Jia, L., Kubiak, T., Lange, F., … Shi, J., & Zinkernagel, A. (2021). A Multilab Replication of the Ego Depletion Effect. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(1), 14–24.
Xia, T., Qi, Z., Shi, J., Zhang, M., & Luo, W. (2018). The early facilitative and late contextual specific effect of the color red on attentional processing. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 12.
Hall, B., Wagge, J., Pfuhl, G., Stieger, S., Vergauwe, E., IJzerman, H., ...Shi, J., & Chen, S. C. (2018). Accelerated CREP-RRR: Turri, Buckwalter, & Blouw (2015).
Shi, J., & Huang, X. (2017). The colour red affects time perception differently in different contexts. International Journal of Psychology, 52(1), 77-80.
Shi, J., Zhang, C., & Jiang, F. (2015). Does red undermine individuals' intellectual performance? A test in China. International Journal of Psychology, 50(1), 81-84.
Publications: Experience
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